Morguard Sunstone
Sunstone US (No. 4)
Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 3) Realty Trust
Income Tax Information


Unitholders of Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 3) Realty Trust received a special and final cash distribution on August 18, 2017 due to the sale of Grand Parkway (10% interest) and Embassy Suites Tempe, which were divested in January 2017.

It should be noted that the 2017 property sales by the Fund's subsidiaries resulted in a net U.S. tax capital loss for the 2017 tax year. Therefore, no FIRPTA tax was withheld from the 2017 distributions paid to Unitholders.

If you did not complete the online questionnaire by April 1, 2018 and would still like to receive a U.S. Tax Slip, you will need to complete the following documents:

and email these two documents to dpaziuk@sunstoneadvisors.com.

Under the general rule (IRC section 6501), the statute of limitations for filing a 2017 US tax return will be April 15, 2021, three years after the original filing deadline. Please be aware, the IRS has a specific rule (IRC section 6511) that states when a return is not filed, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of the original filing deadline, which would be April 15, 2020.

This information is general in nature and provided as reference only. Sunstone cannot guarantee that the IRS will process a return filed after the specific rule deadline but before the general rule deadline and therefore recommends filing prior to the two year statute of limitations.

If you have any questions regarding tax information, please contact:

Sunstone Advisors (US) Inc.
Darlene Paziuk
Direct: 604-449-6402
Toll Free: 1-888-681-5959 ext. 1555
Email: dpaziuk@sunstoneadvisors.com




The 2017 T-3 tax slips for Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 3) Realty Trust will be issued by the participating brokerage firms. The deadline for mailing these slips is March 31, 2018. To obtain copies of your Canadian tax slips, please contact your financial advisor. For tax information specific to your personal tax characteristics, please contact your tax accountant.


sunstone u.s. opportunity (No. 3) realty trust tax factors

Tax Year
CDS File




If units are held in a registered account, RRSP, RRIF, etc., no Canadian tax slips will be issued.

If you have any questions regarding tax information, please contact:

Sunstone Advisors (US) Inc.
Darlene Paziuk
Direct: 604-449-6402
Toll Free: 1-888-681-5959 ext. 1555
Email: dpaziuk@sunstoneadvisors.com


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