Morguard Sunstone
Sunstone US (No. 4)
Sunstone US (No. 3)
Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 2) Realty Trust
Pricing Information

To continue to support our investors and clients, and in order to comply with the second phase of the CRM Project, Sunstone commissioned an annual third party valuation report to satisfy the requirements of the new pricing regulations, under which non-trading units must have a third party fair market valuation performed by a pre-approved Certified Business Valuator or national CPA accounting firm.

Investors owning Sunstone Opportunity Funds may therefore begin seeing changes on their brokerage account statements as their brokerage begins implementing the new third party fair market values.

Previously, Sunstone’s management provided unit pricing certificates with values that used a book cost valuation methodology which differs from the third party fair market valuation methodology. A description of the different valuation methods are listed below.

Sunstone - Book Cost Values

Since 2003, Sunstone management has used an accounting method of valuation based on the investor’s initial per unit investment at the fund’s Initial Public Offering, less any per unit amounts of equity returned to date in the form of special distributions from property sales. 

The balances that you see on your quarterly investor letters reflect the Sunstone book cost values.


BDO Canada LLP (“BDO”) - Fair Market Values

Sunstone units are non-trading. Their fair market values are determined not by their last trading price, but by using a methodology that combines the estimated values of each of the remaining properties based on year-end audited financials, quarter-end unaudited financials and appraisals, estimated market conditions and what each unitholder could potentially receive per unit should the remaining properties sell at a certain point in time within an assumed range of market conditions.  It is these values that the brokerage firms are required to use.

These reports are prepared annually as at December 31st each year by a national CPA accounting firm, BDO Canada LLP. Reports may also be prepared at other times during the year when special distributions from property sales have been paid out to investors, creating demand for an update in pricing. In such circumstances, Sunstone may ask BDO Canada LLP to provide estimated valuation amounts.


Sunstone Book Cost Value per Unit
BDO Fair Market Value per Unit
BDO Valuation Date
Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 2) Realty Trust
$ 0
$ 0
December 31, 2014
  Total $ 0 $ 0  


Please note the Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 2) Realty Trust issued its last and final distribution on May 27th 2015 to unitholders on record as at May 25, 2015 and will legally shut down at the end of 2015.

As at May 29, 2015, the value of the units were reduced to $0. For more details, please see the press release dated May 29, 2015.

Historical Valuation Summary

The below table summarizes the history of pricing changes for the Sunstone U.S. Opportunity (No. 2) Realty Trust.


Event Special Distribution (Return of Equity)
Sunstone Book Cost Value per Unit
BDO Fair Market Value per Unit
Valuation Date
IPO N/A $ 1,250 USD N/A October 29, 2009
BDO Valuation Report N/A $ 1,250 USD $ 1,579 USD December 31, 2012
BDO Valuation Report N/A
$ 1,250 USD
$ 1,810 USD
December 31, 2013
Sale of The Preserve, Walker Commons and San Brisas Apartments $ 1, 048.39 USD
$ 201.61 USD
October 1, 2014
BDO Valuation Report N/A $ 201.61 USD $ 714 USD October 31, 2014
BDO Valuation Report N/A $ 201.61 USD $ 803 USD December 31, 2014
Estimate BDO Valuation Report N/A $ 201.61 USD $ 937 USD January 2, 2015
Special Distribution $ 405.51 USD NIL $ 397 USD January 2, 2015
Sale of Azure Creek at Tatum Ranch Apartments $ 397.70 USD NIL $ 397 USD December 31, 2014








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